Benedict Todd

Organist · Composer · Conductor

Happy Easter 2024!

It is hard to believe that it’s only three months since my pre­vi­ous ‘Happy Christ­mas’ post – there has been so much change packed into that time. Although there are far few­er extern­al events asso­ci­ated with the run-up to East­er than Christ­mas (see my pre­vi­ous post), I find myself, as I write this, approach­ing the final pre­par­a­tions for the ser­vices of Holy Week and East­er in much the same way as we were approach­ing Christ­mas in my pre­vi­ous news posting. 

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Happy Christmas 2023!

With the last con­certs and car­ol ser­vices of 2023 now com­pleted, all that now remains is the final pre­par­a­tions for the church ser­vices and cel­eb­ra­tions to come over the next few days. 

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Announcement: New Job

All Saints’ church, Stamford

I am delighted to announce that, from early Janu­ary 2024, I will be tak­ing up the post of Dir­ect­or of Music at the church of All Saints’, Stamford.

All Saints’, which is at the heart of the town of Stam­ford on the Lin­colnshire-Cam­bridge­shire-Rut­land bor­der, has an estab­lished chor­al tra­di­tion. There is cur­rently an adult SATB par­ish choir, and we will soon be re-form­ing the chil­dren’s Juni­or Choir as the church seeks to expand and devel­op its music­al min­istry. I am thrilled to have been appoin­ted to lead the expan­sion and growth of All Saints’ music pro­gramme, work­ing towards real­ising the church’s com­mun­al vis­ion of becom­ing a flag­ship resource church in the Lin­coln dio­cese, where music plays a cent­ral role at the heart of the wor­ship­ping com­munity and loc­al area. I am incred­ibly excited to see what we can all devel­op and build together.

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After many, many years of slow devel­op­ment, I am incred­ibly pleased to announce that the new, over­hauled and redesigned ver­sion of my web­site is now up and running.

This update is not just a redesign (although everything has been redesigned in the pro­cess), but a com­plete re-write of the entire struc­ture of the site behind the scenes. The new ver­sion is bet­ter archi­tec­ted to reflect my cur­rent work and, hope­fully, the nav­ig­a­tion is more intu­it­ive and easy to use. You can find details of all three main areas of my music­al work as an Organ­ist, Com­poser and Con­duct­or in their own sec­tions. There is also now a ded­ic­ated area of the site detail­ing the Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices that I offer. You will be able to catch up with my Latest News here and see details of forth­com­ing events in my Events Cal­en­dar. As ever, if you want to know more about any­thing lis­ted here or that I do, or you just want to get in touch, you can use the Con­tact page to do that.

I hope that you enjoy using this new site. As with all (web-)projects, I am not sure that they can ever be con­sidered truly ‘fin­ished’; if you poke around, you will cer­tainly be able to find the odd corner here which still needs a little work… Be sure to come and check back soon to see how I’m get­ting on!


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