Benedict Todd

Organist · Composer · Conductor

Announcement: New Job

I am delighted to announce that, as of Novem­ber 2024, I have been appoin­ted as School Organ­ist at Stam­ford Endowed Schools. 

I will be work­ing along­side the exist­ing organ­ist, Dav­id Lov­ell Brown, and will, in par­tic­u­lar, be sup­port­ing the school’s Chapel Choir, dir­ec­ted by Sue Bond. This work will be along­side my post as Dir­ect­or of Music at All Saints’ in Stamford.

I am very much look­ing for­ward to work­ing with all the musi­cians, pupils and staff at Stam­ford Schools over the com­ing months and years.

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