Happy New Year 2025!
OK, firstly I should stop titling updates with ‘Happy … !’. Secondly, I should also provide more frequent updates here on what is going on in my professional life. This sounds like a good basis for a New Year’s resolution!
It has been nine months since my last post and, even though I have not made time to write about it here, there has been lots of wonderful music-making going on.
All Saints’, Stamford
In my main job as Director of Music at All Saints’ church in Stamford, the summer and autumn terms have contained a host of musical delights. Our adult choir is continuing to expand, both in numbers and ambition, the former thanks at least in part to various events which have reached out to local singers. In particular, our ‘Come & Sing Stanford in Stamford’ Choral Evensong last July was a great success, enjoyed by many.

Our monthly Choral Evensongs at All Saints’ (on the second Sunday of the month) continue to draw in singers from choirs across the local area, with more always welcome – get in touch with me if you are interested in joining us to sing for these (or for any) services.
Since Easter, we have also re-formed the All Saints’ Junior Choir. This group is open to any children (aged 7+) in the Stamford area who love to sing.

Junior Choir rehearsals take the form of an after school club on Fridays, with the choristers also regularly singing for services, usually on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Alongside the chance to enjoy singing together regularly, the Junior Choir offers our choristers free music tuition, helps them to develop other social and personal skills, plus they even get paid a modest amount of pocket money for their involvement!
We have close links with our local church school, St Gilbert’s, and a highlight of the pre-Christmas season has been having our Junior Choir join with their school choir, plus other local children who were invited to ‘Come & be a chorister’ for the afternoon, for All Saints’ Christingle service this year. It was amazing to be able to completely fill our choir stalls with local children, who all sang brilliantly!

Our service of ‘Carols by Candlelight’ was also a huge high point of the Christmas season at All Saints’. This saw both Adult and Junior choirs singing, both separately and together, to a packed-out church. We were ably supported by organist Ivan Linford, and the service was even broadcast on the local radio station ‘Rutland & Stamford Sound’.
Freelance Work
Alongside all this busyness in Stamford, it has been good to keep freelance work going on alongside. It has been a pleasure to join the staff of Stamford Endowed Schools as one of their School Organists, and to now be working with their Chapel Choir. Teaching my organ pupils, particularly observing all their progress, remains a pleasure too. A more sombre side to my professional life comes from having joined the team of organists at Warren Hill Crematorium in Kettering – one of the few crematoria to still employ live musicians…
Finally, it is always a joy to be asked to play for other groups and alongside other musicians, a recent highlight having been performing the first half of J S Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with Collegium Laureatum in my longtime role as their rehearsal accompanist and continuo player. It has been good to form new links; I enjoyed playing for the choir of St Wulfram’s, Grantham, providing cover for an evensong of music including Edward Bairtstow’s fantastic anthem Blessed city, heavenly Salem (even at only three days emergency notice!).

Into the New Year
2024 has, following our relocation to Stamford after many years in Cambridge, been a year of new beginnings. I am thankful for the new opportunities that this has provided and for all the new connections that have come about because of this change; I am looking forward to continuing to cultivate many of these new possibilities through the next year. I am also making a resolution to endeavour to keep this site more up to date to follow the progress of these developments. There will be some site changes in early 2025 to enable this.
For now though, with the busyness of the Christmas season now past, all that remains to say is Happy New Year, and here’s to 2025!